Online Session Booking

Book your online session.

Please be advised that due to the Corona virus outbreak and the impact it has on so many people,  I am to offering online sessions.

Face to face sessions to resume on Lockdown level 4

Although we may be housebound, that does not mean we can’t get the support we need in these challenging times. Let’s focus on getting the inner work done.

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    Your Email (required)

    Your Contact Number (required)


    Please select the best day of the week for your session (required)

    Please select the best time of day for your session (required)

    Please select application for your session (required)

    Your Message

    8 Ways to improve your Self-Esteem

    How thinking about yourself differently can change the way you feel about yourself. Self-Esteem is central to our survival. …

    Motivation – Pain vs Pleasure

    Have you ever wondered what motivates you to change? What is that internal or maybe external force that gets you to either …


    Anxiety treatment for better tomorrow

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